
Thanks you for joining the Neveh Rosh Hashana Aliyah Auction!

Aliyah’s are predetermined and will be given out only to the Rebbi designated on the Aliyah auction pages*

The winner of the auction will receive a special Mishaberach after the Aliyah for himself & his wife (both named) and his children (All combined)

The Rebbi who is sponsored will also be told who won the auction, unless anonymity is requested.

Auction is in increments of $50 and the starting bid for each Aliyah is $500.

Auction ends Tuesday night October 1st at 11 pm eastern time.

Winners can pay their pledge by CC on the Neveh site, or by check, or through any donor advised fund.

If you have any questions, please reach out to
Joe Apter – +972-58-793-9426

*winner cannot change who receives the Aliyah, so please only bid on the Aliyah with that understanding

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      • Ending